Keynote by Jan Klabbers

July 6, 2023 32 00:43:21


Jan H.G. Klabbers is involved in social systems development: organization and management development, and action learning. He has held professor and research positions in the U.S. (MIT, Case Western Reserve University), the Netherlands, and Norway. He has been ISAGA General Secretary from 1976 until 2004 and is honorary member of ISAGA and SAGSAGA. His publications cover game science, social systems theory, design science and analytical science methodology. His book «The magic circle: principles of gaming & simulation» (2009), is an essential reading for gaming and simulation scholars and practitioners. It provides the general framework for game science, which he presents as the design and use of games and simulations to advance research, design, and development of social systems.

In his keynote, Jan Klabbers will explore the transformative potentials of gaming and simulation. How can gaming & simulation enhance transformative processes to support social and environmental transitions? How do gaming & simulation differ from other methods regarding research of and support for transformations?

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