HPC Performance study of different collision models using the Lattice Boltzmann solver Musubi

29 juin 2022 61 00:17:32


Spinelli Gregorio Gerard ; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization, Dep. of Simulation Frameworks,

Zwickauer Straße 46, 01069 Dresden, Germany

Masilamani  Kannan ; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization, Dep. of Simulation Frameworks, Zwickauer Straße 46, 01069 Dresden, Germany

Horstmann  Tobias ; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Propulsion Technology, Dep. of Engine Acoustics, Bismarckstraße 101, 10625 Berlin, Germany

Soni  Malav ; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute for Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Dep. of Technical Acoustics, Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany

Klimach Harald Günther ; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization, Dep. of Simulation Frameworks, Zwickauer Straße 46, 01069 Dresden, Germany

Stück Arthur; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization, Dep. of Simulation Frameworks, Zwickauer Straße 46, 01069 Dresden, Germany

Roller Sabine; DLR, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization, Dep. of Simulation Frameworks, Zwickauer Straße 46, 01069 Dresden, Germany

Chair: Martin Geier, TU Braunschweig

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