Coastal societies 1

8 avril 2021 20 01:33:38


General introduction by LAURENT VIDAL, DJEGO JARAK ' La Rochelle Université 'Rethinking the relationship between city and nature: A pressing challenge in the aftermath of COVID-19' GISBERT-ENRIQUE LAURA, VIDAL-GONZALEZ PABLO - Universidad Católica de Valencia 'Thinking Sustainability through Human Sciences: The Case of the Aquitaine Coastline in Bernard Charbonneau et Jacques Ellul's Work. Critical Perspectives for the 21st Century' HUERTA ANTOINE - La Rochelle Université 'Systems Approach to Eastern Baltic Coastal Zone Management' BALTRANAITE EGLE et al. - Klaipeda University 'Campus Capacitas-UCV: a university model of social transfer' ' Poster MARTINEZ-RICO GABRIEL et al. -Universidad Católica de Valencia

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